Customize your marketplace.

Once you have successfully set-up your marketplace on your own domain name you can start by customizing the design and look and feel to make your site unique to your business. To start customizing your marketplace you first navigate to Settings > Marketplace.

Here, you can change and/or customize the following elements:

  • Hide or Show your contact details.
  • Activate SSL and decide if you want to redirect your site to the or version of the domain.
  • Upload a custom favicon.
  • Show an alternative email address (instead of the email address you’re using to log in to Efty Investor).
  • Change the marketplace theme (we currently have seven different themes for you to choose from)
  • Add your Google Analytics tracking ID
  • Integrate Mailchimp
  • Integrate Live Chat
  • Integrate WhatsApp via
  • Integrate Userway
  • Change the domain name listing style (Tables or Tiles).
  • Change the default domain order from chronological to alphabetically
  • Write a custom header text.
  • Write a custom intro text.
  • Write a meta description.
  • Write an “About us” page.
  • Shorten prices, ie $3.5k instead of $3,495
  • Show or hide an Inquiry form underneath your BIN (Buy-It-Now) domains.
  • Upload your background image.
  • Change the button and hyperlink color.
  • Change the text color.
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